Introduction to MIP SDK 2017 R1
MIPSDK General
- Kerberos support for Corporate and Expert servers, using SPN for all soap clients
- It is now possible to request the list of configurated Analytics events
- The old MIPSDK sample "Access Control MIPSDK 2.0" has been reworked to a SensorMonitor sample
- The Item.GetRelated() method will now also contain the 'reverse' link, e.g. a Metadata Item will consider the Camera pointing to it, as related.
Changes in MIPSDK Component library (VideoOS.Platform.SDK.* files)
- Automatic re-load of configuration now also available for E-Code VMS servers (Professional product line)
- DBExporter now has an option to prevent re-export
XProtect Smart Client
- MIP plugin can now expose markers as well as its own colored timeline
- Implemented support for new Settings panel using WPF
- Possible to request the currently selected time-span on the playback timeline via MIP
New features for Event Server
- In a Professional server setup with master and slaves, it is now possible to get MIP configuration from the slaves, as long as they do not have their own Event Server.
- PlaybackUser sample added to illustrate how the ImageViewerControl and the PlaybackUserControl operate together
- ConfigUpdated sample added to show how to keep you local copy of the VMS in sync
- SCSettingsPanel added to illustrate how a larger WPF configuration oriented user control can be created.
- EventTracer tool sample added to show how to subscribe to events.
- SCOverlayImageTester tool sample added to show how to use overlays on ImageViewerControl.
- TimelineViewItem sample added to show how to populate the Smart Client timeline with both ribbons and markers.
Fixed issues
- Hardware Decoding Status was not filled correctly (for .Net Library)
- If the VMS had been configured to use another port for HTTP communication than the default it could in certain situations cause the MIP SDK to use an incorrect HTTPS port
- If the ImageViewerControl was running in DirectX mode (the default) drag and drop did not work
- When the authorization token was renewed the ImageViewerControl would briefly display the message “Connecting to server”
- If the Management Server service went offline, but the IIS service stayed available this would not be detected and reported by the ServerMonitor component
- With high resolution and framerate streams the standalone ImageViewerControl would in some cases show some stuttering